Spray Paint Workshop

Contact Marie Olson at 724-840-3360

or email Marie at gardenermarie88@gmail.com or molson88@verizon.net

If you want to register, call or email Marie Olson

Date of Workship Oct 17. 12:00-300. at the Indiana Community Garden

Basic Info:- The Workshops will be held together. 
– Each will be around 1 hour long.- First the participants will learn the basics of spray painting for 45 minutes.- Secondly the participants will learn how to upcycle their empty cans for about 15-20 minutes.- We can accommodate about 10 guests per hour. Guests should RSVP if possible.- We will be hosting the workshop from 12-3pm on Saturday October 17th. (this means we can have around 30 people attend).- All ages welcome.- Masks and Social Distancing required

Our first workshop is about up-cycling spray paint cans into planters and lamps. We will be bringing used spray paint cans, and the instructor will be teaching the community members how to safely open them up, and use them for either a planter, or a light stand. 

Usually 1 hour.

Our second workshop is a “how to spray paint” class for all ages, with more of an emphasis put on the youth. Our instructor teaches basic spray painting techniques and styles. He also speaks about the history of spray painting, and shows how a spray paint can is used for art, not vandalism. The kids usually love this one! Depending on size, we usually host 1-2 hour classes.