Plot Registration

Dear All,
Welcome or Welcome back to a new season in the community garden!! Attached are our garden rules that have been slightly edited. Please make sure to review them so that you are aware of what is offered to you as well as your responsibilities in the garden. Also included is our plot registration form that has also been edited.We would like for all of you, new or old plot owners to fill this form. (Click on the heading “Forms”). The Release of All claims is a form (click on the heading “Forms”)that needs to be filled by all the new plot owners.
In order to confirm your plot in the garden, please send a check for $30 addressed to Indiana Community Garden and send it to ” Marie Olson, 472 South seventh Street Indiana PA 15701. Plot number will be assigned for the new members as soon as the forms and payment are received.
We have 3 plots left. If you know anyone interested in one, please ask them to contact ICG.
Thank you all for your cooperation. We are looking forward to the new season.