ICG Kids Garden Schedule

Indiana Community Garden
Kids Gardening Club: The Seedlings
Most Activities will begin at 10:30 am

April 18th at Spring cleanup/Sat or can be done in May30th
Make garden related nicknames
plant a milkweed garden
learn about monarch butterflies
start gardening journals

June 3rd Wednesday
water plants-decorate watering cans
write in garden journals
learn about companion plants.
plant see through root planter

June 10th Wednesday
observe the garden , draw in journals
observe compost bottle and root planter
learn about an egg incubator
color a picture of a chicken or duck
play duck duck goose

June 17th Wednesday
color a worm picture
compost bottles
learn about compost
touch compost worms
write in garden journals
play follow the leader

June 27thSaturday

bee party at the Biconik’s

July 8thWensday
observe the garden , draw in journals
observe compost bottle and root planter
follow the leader
learn about bees
color a bee

July 15thWensday
observe the garden , draw in journals
observe compost bottle and root planter
learn about soil
observe soil under a microscope
color a picture of bacteria/fungus and nematodes