
Welcome or Welcome back to a new season in the community garden!! 

Attached are our garden rules that have been slightly edited. Please make sure to review them so that you are aware of what is offered to you as well as your responsibilities in the garden. Also included is our plot registration form that has also been edited.

We would like for all of you, new or old plot owners to fill this form.

The Release of All claims is a form that needs to be filled by all the new plot owners.

In order to confirm your plot in the garden, please send a check for $30 addressed to Indiana Community Garden and send it to ” Marie Olson, 472 South seventh Street Indiana PA 15701.

 Plot number will be assigned for the new members as soon as the forms and payment are received.

We have 3 plots left. If you know anyone interested in one, please ask them to contact ICG.

Thank you all for your cooperation. We are looking forward to the new season.

Indiana Community Garden Plot Registration Form

Name(s) ____________________________________________________________ Date _____________

Address(es) ___________________________________________________________________________

City _____________________________________________________      Zip ________________________

Phone (Home) _____________ (Cell) ______________ Email(s) __________________________________

Best way to contact you (NOTE: Make sure to list contact information for anyone else who will help maintain your plot and should receive ICG updates.):



Please mark any areas of interest you would like to volunteer with during the season.

___Site maintenance

___Garden mowing between plot areas

___Watering community garden area

___Planting the community garden areas

___Fall cleanup


___Social events (planning, preparation)

Please indicate when you would be able to help. (Approximate time during the day, approximate weeks during the season)


I have read the Indiana Community Garden Rules and understand that failure to meet the guidelines will result in loss of gardening privileges and plot assignment.

Signature ________________________________________________________ Date ________________

A plot fee of $30 per plot is required before the plot can be assigned. This fee will go toward expenses of the community garden.

Amount Received: $___________ (cash or check) Rec. By: ____________________________


ICG Rules and Guidelines

Indiana Community Garden Policies and Guidelines, 2020 Season



                                 Find Us on Facebook: Indiana Community Garden

Garden rules are an excellent way to ensure everyone understands how the garden will operate and what is expected of each gardener. Below are the garden policies and guidelines for gardeners who have individual plots at the Indiana Community Garden (ICG):

1. Each gardener is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden plot — including watering, weeding, harvesting, and any other garden-related tasks. Gardeners agree to not leave their plot unused for more than two weeks without making arrangements for its care.

2. Each gardener must complete a Release of Claims form before any work in the garden can begin. 

3. Gardeners can use tools and other supplies in ICG’s tool shed. Please clean any tools you use, following instructions in the toolshed. All tools and supplies should be returned to their designated spot. 

4. Water is available through the rain barrel collection systems and water pump. Various soil amendments (such as mulch and compost) will be available near the compost bins.

5. Garden plots should be cared for at least once a week. It is the gardener’s responsibility to notify ICG if he or she is not able to care for their plot.  If any plot remains unattended for more than three weeks, that plot is subject to reassignment. 

6. Gardeners agree to keep their plot free of excessive weeds, diseased plants, insect-infested plants, and over-ripe vegetables. Diseased and infected plants, as well as seedy or invasive weeds and trash, must be removed from the garden and disposed of properly. (Bags are available in the tool shed.) Please put all other spent plant materials in the designated compost bins.

7.  Commercial chemical pesticides not certified for organic gardening are prohibited; this includes insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. Some organic materials you might use are horticultural oils, insecticidal soaps, and hot pepper spray. Check with the ICG Committee if you have questions.

8.  Each gardener will only be allocated one plot, which will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Gardeners in good standing who maintained their plot the previous year will have first priority, and will keep their current plot unless specifically requesting a relocation. 

9. Since ICG depends on volunteers for its success, gardeners are expected to volunteer some of their time during the season to help support the community aspect of the garden. All gardeners are invited to attend ICG’s monthly garden meetings and garden events. 

10.  A plot fee of $30 is due in full at the time of plot registration for the season. This fee may be waived under special circumstances. 

11.  At the end of the growing season, gardeners are responsible for clearing their plot of plant material and preferably all added structures, and mulching or planting cover crops. Those renewing their plot for the next season may over-winter perennial crops and some annual winter hardy crops, but these should be maintained. 

12.  Gardeners may add decorations/support stakes/netting or needed materials on their own plot, but fully understand that these are subject to the discretion of the landowners, The Mack Park Foundation, and become the sole responsibility of the gardener. 

13. ICG works to increase access to fresh food and avoid garden waste by sharing produce from community plots with others, including harvesting fresh produce twice a month for a food pantry. Gardeners agree to support this effort by keeping produce from their plot harvested, and letting ICG know when they have excess produce so volunteers can harvest it for the food pantry.

14.  All Gardeners must follow the rules of Mack Park.

15.  The ICG Committee is responsible for ensuring that ICG’s Garden Policies and Guidelines are followed. The committee is made up of a group of community members volunteering in the Spring of each year. Contact ICG if you have questions, need help, or have concerns about anything at ICG.

16. Gardeners are encouraged to share their community gardening experience with friends and family.

Release of All Claims

I,__________________________________________________________________, am a

participant in the Indiana Community Garden. As a condition of being allowed to participate in the community garden, I agree to the following:

1. I am duly aware of the risks and hazards that may arise through participation in the Community Garden, and assume any expenses and liabilities I incur in the event of an accident, illness or other incapacity. If I have had any questions about the Indiana Community Garden, its nature, risks or hazards, I have contacted the garden coordinator and discussed those questions with him or her to my satisfaction.

2. In consideration of being granted the opportunity to participate in the Community Garden, I, for myself, my executors, administrators, agents and assigns do hereby release and forever discharge the Indiana Garden Committee, Garden Coordinator, volunteers, other gardeners, and the cooperating landowner from all claims of damages, demands, and any actions whatsoever, including those based on negligence, in any manner arising out of my participation in this activity. I understand that this Release means that, among other things, I am giving up my right to sue for any such losses, damages, injury or costs that I may incur.

3.  I understand since the garden is in a public park, I will not hold any of the above listed parties responsible for theft, vandalism or destruction of my assigned plot and contents contained within.

I represent and certify that my true age is either 18 years old or, if I am under 18 years old on this date, my parent or legal guardian has read and signed this form. I have read this entire Release, fully understand it, and I agree to be legally bound by it.

Participant’s Signature __________________________________________________________

Printed Name___________________________________________ Date___________________

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