
The ICG gratefully acknowledges the donations of the
following companies, organizations, and individuals.

Adam Criscolo
Ben Ford/Hillary Creely
Bill Heberer
Bonnie Plants
Chuck and Marie Alson
Colleen Donovan
Dave and Paulette Thompson
Elizabeth Pires
Evergreen Garden Club
Frank Flowers
Friends of Don White
Friends of Dave Reed
Gael Auth
Gatti Pharmacy
Ghislaine & Philippe Piguet
Indiana Art Association
Indiana County Endowment
Indiana Garden Club
Indiana Regional Medical Center
IUP Ecology Club
Kay Snyder and Tom Nowak
Krys and Ola Kaniasty
Laurie and Andy kuzneski
Lee Schweitzer
Lezzer’s Lumber
Nicole Clark
Mack Foundation
Paulette Blais-Thompson
Penn American Water Co.
Pool Smith Family
Risinger’s Landscaping
Royal Oil and Gas
Susan Comfort
Thomas Nowak and Kay Snyder
Veronique Thomas

More coming