IUP Rugby Team Helps Prepare IC Garden for Winter

The IUP Rugby team celebrated the end of their season by helping ICG staff cleanup and prepared the gardens for winter. The ICG staff thanks the team for all their hard work.

ICG Members celebrate Dia de los Muertos at the garden with IUP Students

ICG Staff celebrated Dia de los Muertos under the ICG Pavilion with IUP students on 10/31/2013.
The “Mexican Marigolds” for the many activities celebrating Dia de los Muertos were grown at the
garden and a few other locations. We want to thank Lisa and other garden staff for tending to
the marigolds and insuring that they survived the frosts.

ICG Assists with the Dia de los Muertos Festival-See Schedule

The Anthropology Club is spearheading efforts with other IUP organizations to create the first Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) Festival at IUP. It is expected to be the most multicultural and collaborative event on campus for the fall semester. The Indiana Community is providing Mexican Marigolds (Cempazuchitls) grown in the garden for this event.

Día de los Muertos has been celebrated in Mexico for centuries. In the 1970s, the holiday began being celebrated in the United States. The Day of the Dead is a beautiful way to remember loved ones who have passed on, but has also become a platform for bringing attention to important social and educational issues. Every year, Día de los Muertos grows in popularity, and is now widely celebrated in communities from California to New Jersey: on main streets, in universities, museums, libraries, and in private homes.

The following is a synopsis of events planned on IUP’s campus:

Day of the Dead display in Stapleton Library beginning October 1.

October 19: PUPPET WORKSHOP by Dr. Brian Jones, for people wishing to make their own puppets for the Day of the Dead parade. From 3 to 5 pm in Waller Hall.

Oct. 28: CHALK-THE-WALK in the Oak Grove. Runs all week through Nov. 1.

October 28: LECTURE “Day of the Dead: An Affirmation of Life” by Dr. Harold Morales. 6:15 pm in Johnson Hall, room 247.

Oct. 28: ART SHOW “Calavera” by the Student Art Association. Reception at 2 pm on Nov. 1. In the Miller Gallery, 2nd floor in Sprowls Hall. Exhibit open 10 to 5 daily through Nov. 2.

Oct. 31: EXHIBIT in IUP Museum: “A Southern Mexico Ofrenda”. View a traditional southern Mexico home altar and ofrenda. Exhibit will include photographs of Dia de los Muertos in Mexico; some photos were taken by IUP professors. Runs through Nov. 2, during the museum’s regular hours.

Nov. 1: ALTARS EXHIBIT. View altars by participating student organizations; Susquehanna Room in the HUB. Best altar wins a Viewer’s Choice Award. The Dept. of Food and Nutrition will provide samples of traditional Mexican food. Listen to traditional Mexican music. Setup time for altars is 2:00 to 3:30 pm; Exhibit will be open from 3:30 pm until 10:00 pm.

Nov. 2: PARADE through the Oak Grove, ending at HUB. Day of the Dead COSTUME CONTEST and PARTY. Food, DJ, and dancing. People are encouraged to dress as Muertos and Catrinas, but all costumes are welcome. Parade starts 5:30 pm. Costume contest/party is from 6 to 8 pm.

The Department of Communications Media will create a documentary of the first Day of the Dead Festival at IUP. Participating campus departments will be documented as they prepare for and participate in the festival.

Dinner at the ICG

To celebrate the many efforts of ICG staff and volunteers, the ICG held its annual Dinner at
the Garden. Nick and Jason from Nap’s Cucina Mia were the chefs for the event. Using ICG garden produce and produce from other sources the two chefs prepared many delightful and tasteful dishes for the events. The ICG staff wants to thank the many individuals who made this event a success.

IUP Students Assist With Garden Projects During “Into the Streets”

IUP students assist with transplanting strawberries and mulching garden beds during “Into the Streets” service day on September 21, 2013. The ICG staff and members thank the students for all their efforts.

Taste and Tour Well Attended

In collaboration with Friends of the Park, the ICG staff hosted a “Taste and Tour” Event. Garden Staff and other Master Gardeners demonstrated composting techniques, how to identify weeds, how to prepare different types of foods from garden produce, and how to properly prepare soil. Over 70 individuals attended the event.

Upward Bound Students Return to the ICG

Nine Upward Bound students returned to the ICG on Friday, 7/19. They pulled garlic, added mulch, collected Japanese Beetles, composted, planted green beans, watered and weeded. Members of the ICG team assisted and appreciate their diligence and hard work.

[gview file=”http://indianacommunitygardens.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/UpwardBoundDay-July-2014.pdf”]

Gas Well Screening Project Completed

From concept to completion.  Adam Criscuolo designed screening fences to surround the area around the gas well close to the garden.  The mounts and the screens have now been completed. Bill Heberer supervised the construction of the mounts and Gael Auth sewed the “sails”.  We thank Royal Gas for contributing the funds to make this project possible.

A brief history of the project: The Indiana Arts Council asked we contact Adam Criscuolo to design screening for the gas well near the garden. Bill Heberer agreed to supervise the construction. Royal Oil and Gas Company (owner of the well) approved the design with some modifcations and donated $1500 to build the screening. On April 20, Bill coordinated the construction of the screens assisted by many Indiana Community volunteers. At the same time Bob Pollock, selected 14 disease resistant apple trees and planted them with help of volunteers. The project was finally completed when Gail Auth sewed the sails attached now to the wood structure. Adam Criscuolo best describes the project:

“The architectural features and additional plantings are there to tie the gas well into the landscape and into the experience of the garden. The garden beds and trees bring life from the earth. The gas well also brings a source of energy from the earth. The products produced at the community garden site may be very different in nature- but they both serve to help people thrive. There’s no getting around the fact that gas well heads are not pretty, but they are a vital part of our modern existence. This project shows how a little creativity, some simple structures, some unique partnerships, and a little labor can help redefine how we see and experience this modern landscape. High science and industry have met old fashioned craft and traditional gardening. Both fronts are united in the interest of making life better for everyone.”

Thanks to the talents and generosity of all the people involved , we have a beautiful community garden that people can enjoy in a space that is aesthetic.


Upcoming Taste and Tour at the Community Garden


Saturday July 27st

10:00 am

Friends of the Parks will present “Taste and Tour Our Community Garden” on Saturday, July 27 at 10:00 a.m. Parking is available near the community garden, at the Mack Park entrance off South Sixth Street in Indiana.
Led by Master Gardeners Kay Snyder and Marie Olsen, five activity stations will provide information on topics ranging from building a garden box and selecting plants, to composting and collecting water with rain barrels. Delicious food prepared from garden produce will be available to sample.
Registration for this program is highly recommended, and will be used to reschedule in case of rain. To register and obtain further information call Indiana County Parks & Trails at (724) 463-8636, or email Indiana Community Gardens at icg15701@gmail.com.
The complete list of programs offered by Friends of the Parks in 2013 can be found at: www.indianacountyparks.org.

Plant Sale a Success

Indiana County Master Gardeners
First Annual Plant Sale
Saturday, June 15 – 9 a.m. to noon
Indiana County Farmers Market
S & T Bank parking lot
8th & Church Street
Indiana, PA

Mary Masterson, the coordinator for the Master Gardener Plant Sale writes “Congratulations everyone! Our first plant sale was a great success. We were met with open arms by the Farmers Market members and asked to come back any time.

We had a beautiful display of the wide selection of plants. About 80% of the plants donated were sold. The remainder were taken to the ARC yard sale at Mack Park. They were happy to get them. Donations were over $900.00.

I want to thank all of you who donated plants or seeds, provided supplies or transportation, or helped dig out perennials at Blue Spruce or elsewhere. Special thanks to Master Gardeners: Christine Kesner, Jim Kluchurosky, Jan Petro, Betsy Pfeffer, Sheryl Praska, Kay Snyder, and Jim Woodard who worked the sale. Also a special thanks to community volunteers: Lisa Beck, Barb Byerly, Bonnie DeCarlo, Carter Drew, Molly Masterson, and Maggie Reeger.”

[gview file=”http://indianacommunitygardens.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/MG-Plant-Sale.pdf”]

Planting Day



Saturday June 1st

9:00 AM to 1:PM

–§–Planting day was well attended. Many plot renters planted several crops, amended soil in their plots, shared gardening tips, set up trellises for climbing plants, and attended the food demonstrations on (Superb Herbs). We also weeded the fruit bushes, removed pests from the apple trees, and composted. Additional photos of planting day activities are posted in the latter part of the slideshow that opens when you click the “home” option on the menu.

[gview file=”http://indianacommunitygardens.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Planting-Day-ICG-2013.pptx”]

Lessons in the ICG

On April 17, 2013 around 65 kindergarten and first grade students from Horace Mann visited the garden on a field trip. Students learned how to identify garden bugs, plant sunflowers and other seeds, compost, the importance of worms in creating compost, and how to properly harvest greens such as lettuce and kale. The students enjoyed adding worms to garden beds, sifting compost, mixing different types of compost, harvesting, planting sunflower seeds near the fence, and other activities. Master Gardeners and members of the ICG team (Marie Olson, Kay Snyder, Chloe Drew, Mary Masterson, and Tom Nowak) assisted with the activities.

Busy and Succesful Building Day

The ICG finished several projects on April 20. ICG members together with many IUP student and community friends built ten new garden beds, planted and mulched 14 disease resistant apple trees, mulched blueberry and raspberry bushes along the fence line, added three new rain barrels to our water collection system, and added posts and lattice for the gas well screening project. Thanks to the many individuals who helped.


Plot Assignments for the ICG:
New bed layout 5.7.2013

Hello community garden supporters,

Indiana Community Garden welcomes everyone back for its second season.

You all have helped make our garden bigger, more beautiful, more sustainable, and more productive.

On Saturday April 20, 2013 we:
•built 10 more beds
•installed a 4 barrels rain water collection system
•added new soil to the existing beds
•planted and mulched 12 new apple trees
•constructed a part of the gas well screens

Thanks to all for the considerable help you provided.

ICG March Meeting 3/30

ICG Members Waiting to enter Library for March Meeting:

Summary from our meeting minutes.:
Following a review of ICG fundraising and outreach, ICG members reviewed the list of garden plot renters, and noted our need to assign actual plots to renters. We reviewed the garden rules and felt the rules were adequate. We plan to build seven new beds, clean up the garden from fall and winter, mark and dig holes for trees and posts for the gas well screens, mulch around fruit shrubs, replenish soil in existing beds, organize the tool shed, and build some new compost bins. Several group members volunteered to oversee the many activities during building day. We also need to expand the tool shed, have a tool drive, and acquire tools and a lawnmower.