All Garden Beds Reserved

Currently we have no more garden beds available. If you wish to be put on the waiting list, please fill out the registration form and the release of all claim form and return to us. You will see pages of forms below.

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Send checks to:
Indiana Community Garden Fund/
Community Foundation of the Alleghenies/
c/o Cindy Hatcher
41 Coats Lane
Indiana, Pa. 15701

You may use the link below for credit card payments



Into the Streets Well Attended

On October 8, over 50 IUP students from several organization joined ICG staff and other mastergardeners to weed and mulch beds along the orchard, and fenceline, to turn compost, enhance beds and build a new raised bed. Students worked in teams lead my a number of team leaders. Thank you for all your efforts.

Volunteers Needed For Several Activities

— “I-Bed”
–Gas Well Beds (3 along gas well fence)
–Beds along the fence of 6th Street and Carter Ave

–Beds along the fence
–Apple Trees
–Meditation Garden
–Native Species beds around gas well

Harvesting for the Food Bank from 5-7 PM the Sundays before the 2nd and 4th Mondays each month

Youth garden assistance
Compost upkeep

Taste the Four Seasons of a Home Grown Garden-8/27/2016; 10:00 am

Join Nicole Dann and Jodie Seybold to tour the four seasons with your taste buds and see what is happening at the Indiana Community Garden. Learn the key times to plant, pick and preserve produce while sampling nutritious recipes for a healthy lifestyle. Please pre-register at or call 724-463-8636

ICG News Letter

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Plant Walk in August 6, 6 to 8pm

Join herbalist and wild food forager Dana Driscoll for a plant walk that covers a variety of edible and medicinal plants growing here in our ecosystem. Our third walk covers a number of medicinal plants in the Indiana Community Garden and edible plants available in many residential areas in the Indiana Borough. Many of these plants can be found easily and readily in our gardens, parks, and edge spaces. The walk will cover basics of plant identification, edible uses, recipes, and medicinal uses. We’ll also talk about urban foraging.

Time and Location: Please meet at the Indiana Community Garden in Mack Park (6th and Carter Ave). The plant walk will start promptly at 6pm, and we will be in the ICG for the first hour of the walk and then will move into the surrounding residential areas. If it is storming or raining heavily, we will move the walk to the evening of Sunday, August 7th.

What to bring: Bring a notebook for taking notes, a camera, and ecologically-friendly bug spray. The walk will include some walking around, including in the residential areas of the Borough; if you have difficulty standing for long periods of time, consider chair that you can carry with you.

Suggested donation: $15/person. All proceeds benefit the Indiana Community Garden.

Green Thumbs Clubs Begins

“Growing green thumbs” started Wed. at 5:00. Around 30 children learned about soil creation, soil composition and soil aeration. The children also toured the garden, and began work on their beds. Thank you Chloe and other ICG members for making the first session a success!

Green Thumbs youth garden club begins activities.

April 6. Parents and children join in braving the spring chill to help ICG members finish planting peas carrots and radishes! This was the first unofficial Growing Green Thumbs youth garden club meeting!




Girl Scouts Assist with Garden Activities

March 30, Area Girl Scouts will periodically assist ICG staff, plot owners, and other ICG members.

Important ICG Meetings Wed. Feb 3-5:30 Library 2nd floor and Feb. 24 at Penn State Extension Office

Please join the ICG staff and members Feb. 3 at 5:30 for an important organizational meetings. We will discuss bylaws, and activities for the forthcoming year. The meeting will be on the 2nd floor of the Indiana Library.

There is another important meeting Feb. 24.
Attention Gardeners and Friends of ICG:

Are you interested in garden maintenance, do you have a knack for organization, an interest in developing garden programs and activities or helping with public relations?
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 24 when you are invited to meet at Penn State Extension Office( first floor), 827 Water Street, Indiana when we will form new teams to work on these and other areas to help our garden grow.

Think about how you can use your unique talents to make ICG the best it can be.

Also…we MUST increase our numbers if the Indiana Community Garden is to continue as a vital part of our community. So…reach out to friends, family and acquaintances and invite them to join us on February 24 to organize and prepare for the year ahead at ICG!

Thank you so much for considering attending this important meeting.


The ICG team

Clean Up Days Successful

On October 17 and the 10 over 100 IUP students, Upper Bound Students, Master gardeners, Plot Holders and other friends of the garden joined to accomplish many tasks. We augmented soil by double digging, added sulphur to control the PH level in several garden beds, adding compost and horse manure. We also trenched on the side of many of the non raised beds, composed and weeded. Thank you for the many people involved and particularly Kay Snyder and Marie Olson for coordinating these activities and people for the garden.

Taste the Four Seasons-8/8/2015

Taste the Four Seasons of a Home Grown Garden: From Planting to Preserving
— Jodie Seybold and Nicole Dann Saturday at Mack Park

Tour the four seasons with your taste buds at the Indiana Community Garden. Learn the key times to plant, pick, and preserve produce while 10:00 AM sampling nutritious recipes for a healthy lifestyle. From 10 am to 12 pm. Pre-register at 724-463-8636.

Children’s Garden Popular and Busy

This evening the children engaged in several activities including:
color a worm picture;
compost bottles;
learn about composting;
touch compost worms;
write in garden journals;

Some of the children made new friends with a caterpillar.

ICG Supports Food Bank at Zion Church

On June 8, ICG members harvested about 25 lbs of fresh assorted lettuces for food-bank recipients. Thank you Lisa for harvesting and transporting the produce.

Planting Day

Latino Students work to prepare their garden bed.

ICG Assists With the Seedling Project

Over the last several weeks, mastergardeners, members of the ICG staff, IUP students, representatives from the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank, members of Zion Lutheran Church, FUUCI and other organizations contributed both time and money to provide soil buckets and seedlings to help Food Bank recipients to grow their own fresh food. Members of the seedling team procured soil, buckets and seedlings, drilled holes in the buckets, mixed soil to achieve the proper nutrient, mineral mix and Ph level. They also packaged and labelled bulk seeds to prepare seed packets. Thanks to all involved for all their hard work.

ICG Kids Garden Schedule

Indiana Community Garden
Kids Gardening Club: The Seedlings
Most Activities will begin at 10:30 am

April 18th at Spring cleanup/Sat or can be done in May30th
Make garden related nicknames
plant a milkweed garden
learn about monarch butterflies
start gardening journals

June 3rd Wednesday
water plants-decorate watering cans
write in garden journals
learn about companion plants.
plant see through root planter

June 10th Wednesday
observe the garden , draw in journals
observe compost bottle and root planter
learn about an egg incubator
color a picture of a chicken or duck
play duck duck goose

June 17th Wednesday
color a worm picture
compost bottles
learn about compost
touch compost worms
write in garden journals
play follow the leader

June 27thSaturday

bee party at the Biconik’s

July 8thWensday
observe the garden , draw in journals
observe compost bottle and root planter
follow the leader
learn about bees
color a bee

July 15thWensday
observe the garden , draw in journals
observe compost bottle and root planter
learn about soil
observe soil under a microscope
color a picture of bacteria/fungus and nematodes