Upcoming Events

2013 Upcoming Garden Events:
Uncovering of Low Tunnel:
Building Day, April 20, 9 am until finished:
Planting Day, May 11 for cold hardy plants:
June 1 for warm weather plants:
“Taste and Tour” at the ICG-July 27:
Food Demonstrations, June 1 for the first demonstration at 11:00 at the ICG:
Yoga Sessions

Reserve 2013 Plot

We currently have two plots remaining in the Garden. The cost of a plot is $30. We ask that you maintain your plot throughout the season.

Before you signup and pay, you must secure permission from:
Marie Olson

Make checks payable to:
Penn State Ext. Special Account
ICG Mailing Address:
Indiana Community Garden
c/o Penn State Extension
827 Water Street

Once you have permission to signup for a plot,
open the spreadsheet to sign up

Download registration forms:plotregfroms

You may also use Pay Pal (Our Donate Button can also double as a Payment Button)

ICG Meeting

icgmeeting2At its February 7 meeting the ICG steering committee discussed the progress of plot registration, progress on our reconstructed website, labor costs for screens to hide the gas well, and several initiatives with community groups (YMCA, elementary schools in Indiana, IUP) for participation in planting, building new beds, and digging post holes to anchor supports for gas well screens. New bed construction and other garden activities will start April 20 at 9:00. Several IUP students will assist in these activities.

Gardening All Year Around Presentation Well Attended

On Saturday February 16 master gardeners Mary Masterson and Kay Snyder discussed the challenges and opportunities of using various methods to extend the growing season, from growing mushrooms and sprouts indoors to constructing various types of tunnels or applying different types of row cover outside during colder weather. They explained how to select seeds and plants that are most appropriate for different seasons of the year in this region. In addition to sharing handouts, they brought in examples as well as photos of some of the projects that they have each tried. The event was hosted by Friends of the Park and had over 40 people attending in the meeting room at Penn Sate Extension.

Winter Harvest-Opening the Low Tunnel

On Jan. 12 a number of master gardeners and community gardeners opened up
the low tunnel to view our winter crops. Master gardener Kay Snyder
discussed building a low tunnel and how to harvest winter crops such
as Swiss Chard, winter mix, beets, and others so as to continue plant
growth for future harvests.2opentunnelopeninglowtunnelinJanforharvest