Children’s Program

Hello families,It has been awhile, but we are so excited to bring back our free summer youth garden programs again this year! Starting on Wednesday June 9 from 6:00-7:00 and continuing throughout the summer every Wednesday until August 11.  This year we are trying some new things with our youth program like having guest teachers with more arts and crafts, experts in certain areas that highlight some new features of our garden like our new pollinator meadow, food forest, and riparian buffer area, while bringing back old favorites like Tom the worm guy and garden games! Some weeks you’ll see a familiar educator face (Chloe), but others you’ll meet awesome new educators bringing new fun and educational ideas to our summer program!Geared for ages 4-12, we welcome younger siblings to join in the fun! We have added a mud kitchen for open ended play in the rear of our schoolhouse to keep everyone occupied! We do still require parents to stay and play with us for the hour program.Please spread the word to others who you think might also enjoy our free programs, our garden has so many things happening and we are excited to share them again with you!
Also, mark your calendar for Friday, June 25 at 6:30 for our annual Family Fun in the Garden!!