


Our ninth season in the garden is well underway! The garden’s soil has been enriched throughout the cold months with organic matter and cover crops that will continue to grow through the early spring. Garlic planted in the fall in some of our community plots has begun sprouting. The garden is already alive and ready to be planted with cool season vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and mizuna and root vegetables such as carrots, beets, and potatoes. So many crops benefit from the cooler temperatures and the spring rain. They produce abundant harvests throughout the spring and require minimal maintenance.

This spring, we are looking forward to the growth of our new pollinator meadow and planting more trees and berries bushes in our food forest. We will continue to harvest from our community plots to benefit the Chevy Chase food bank this year. We also welcome all our private garden plot renters. There are still three plots available, so email us quickly if you are interested in renting a plot!

Check out events happening in our garden this spring and join us for our “community time” if you would like to help out and learn more about gardening.


❖ April 10 from 10 AM to 1 PM: spring clean-up and planting
❖ Every Wednesday starting April 14 from 4 PM to 6 PM: Community Time in the Garden
❖ May 22 at 10 AM: Pollinator Meadow at the Community Garden with Barbara Hauge*
❖ June 25th from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM: Family Fun in the Garden with Chloe Drew and Kay Snyder*

*Space may be limited for these Friends of the Parks programs. Pre-register by calling 724-463-8636.

For all ICG events, we will be following the most current COVID-19 regulations as described by PA mandates and the CDC. For the safety of all participants, we ask that everyone adhere to regulations on facemasks, social distancing, and group size.page1image28672416page1image12448224page1image28676160page1image22225344

Calling all children 4-12 (younger siblings welcome)! Mark your calendars for the start of our Growing Green Thumbs Youth Garden program on Wednesday, June 9 from 6:00-7:00 at the garden. Our activities will include planting, harvesting, crafts, games, playing in dirt, and learning about sustainable gardening!
This is a FREE program and parents/guardians must remain present for the program.

Friday, June 25 at 6:30 is a FREE event for the whole family, Family Fun in the Garden! A community favorite event every year for young and old… garden games, crafts, snacks, and much, much more!

We look forward to learning and growing with you and your children!page2image11670224

Volunteer Corner

Want to help?

  • ❖  Join us for scheduled ICG events
  • ❖  Email us if you can help at other times with garden maintenance, watering, mowing, planting, events, the pollinator meadow or food forest, etc.
  • ❖  Let us know if you have special skills/interests: gardening, education, social media, graphic design, event planning, building and repair, etc.
  • ❖  Donate books for ICG’s Little Free Library
  • ❖  Donate gently used or new garden toolsWant more information? Email us at

Sponsor a Tree

Want to help our food forest grow?

Sponsor a tree or berry bush!

Bush Sponsorship: $8-$15 Tree Sponsorship: $100page2image28496768page2image28493440