Soil Prep Days (5/26,5/28). Planting Day (5/31).

Please join us for soil Prep Days on May 26 (Monday) from 11 to 1 or Wednesday, May 28 rom 4:30-6:30. We will have a Mantis mini tiller available in the garden. You can use it to cultivate the soil in your plot or help prepare the community plots for planting. We will also have some long-handled cultivator tools available. Plots will then be ready for application of a 6 inch layer of compost on top.

The compost piles are on the paved walkway near the Mack Park entrance. there is a wheelbarrow in the garden pavilion for hauling. Hope to see you on Planting Day, even if you are not able to come earlier.

Planting Day is on May 31. See the flyer below.

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