Gas Well Screening Project Completed

From concept to completion.  Adam Criscuolo designed screening fences to surround the area around the gas well close to the garden.  The mounts and the screens have now been completed. Bill Heberer supervised the construction of the mounts and Gael Auth sewed the “sails”.  We thank Royal Gas for contributing the funds to make this project possible.

A brief history of the project: The Indiana Arts Council asked we contact Adam Criscuolo to design screening for the gas well near the garden. Bill Heberer agreed to supervise the construction. Royal Oil and Gas Company (owner of the well) approved the design with some modifcations and donated $1500 to build the screening. On April 20, Bill coordinated the construction of the screens assisted by many Indiana Community volunteers. At the same time Bob Pollock, selected 14 disease resistant apple trees and planted them with help of volunteers. The project was finally completed when Gail Auth sewed the sails attached now to the wood structure. Adam Criscuolo best describes the project:

“The architectural features and additional plantings are there to tie the gas well into the landscape and into the experience of the garden. The garden beds and trees bring life from the earth. The gas well also brings a source of energy from the earth. The products produced at the community garden site may be very different in nature- but they both serve to help people thrive. There’s no getting around the fact that gas well heads are not pretty, but they are a vital part of our modern existence. This project shows how a little creativity, some simple structures, some unique partnerships, and a little labor can help redefine how we see and experience this modern landscape. High science and industry have met old fashioned craft and traditional gardening. Both fronts are united in the interest of making life better for everyone.”

Thanks to the talents and generosity of all the people involved , we have a beautiful community garden that people can enjoy in a space that is aesthetic.