Upcoming Taste and Tour at the Community Garden


Saturday July 27st

10:00 am

Friends of the Parks will present “Taste and Tour Our Community Garden” on Saturday, July 27 at 10:00 a.m. Parking is available near the community garden, at the Mack Park entrance off South Sixth Street in Indiana.
Led by Master Gardeners Kay Snyder and Marie Olsen, five activity stations will provide information on topics ranging from building a garden box and selecting plants, to composting and collecting water with rain barrels. Delicious food prepared from garden produce will be available to sample.
Registration for this program is highly recommended, and will be used to reschedule in case of rain. To register and obtain further information call Indiana County Parks & Trails at (724) 463-8636, or email Indiana Community Gardens at icg15701@gmail.com.
The complete list of programs offered by Friends of the Parks in 2013 can be found at: www.indianacountyparks.org.